How to Unsend an iMessage: Tips and Tricks

In today's fast-paced digital age, instant messaging has become an essential part of communication. Whether it's for work, school or personal matters, sending messages has never been easier. But what happens when you hit send and instantly regret it? Fear not, people. You can now unsend a message on iMessage.Yes, you read that right. It's possible to take back a message that you regret sending on iMessage. In this article, we will discuss the ins and outs of how you can unsend an iMessage. Say goodbye to those cringe-worthy embarrassing moments, and let's get started.

Understanding iMessage's "Unsend" feature

Apple recently introduced a new feature in iMessage that allows users to unsend messages sent in error. This feature has been one of the most requested features by iOS users and was added to the iOS 14.5 update. This function allows users to retract or delete messages sent within iMessage.

The feature was introduced as part of Apple's increased focus on security and data privacy. It allows users to delete messages they sent to one or more people from their end without leaving a trace. It is worth noting that the message will still remain on the recipient's device if it has been delivered.

iMessage's "Unsend" feature is easy to use. The user simply needs to tap and hold on the message sent within iMessage and tap "Unsend". A message will appear at the bottom of the screen stating that the message has been unsent. If the message has already been delivered, the recipient will be notified that the message has been removed.

This feature helps to prevent embarrassing situations where users send a message to the wrong person or send a message in error. It can also come in handy in situations where one sends a message when they are emotional and later realize that the message was inappropriate or insensitive. The unsend feature can prevent such situations by giving users the chance to edit their messages before sending them.

However, it is worth noting that the unsend feature is not foolproof. If the recipient has already read the message, they will still be able to see it even if the message has been unsent. Additionally, the feature only works when the message is sent within iMessage. If the message was sent using another messaging app, the feature will not work.

Also, the feature is not meant to be used for malicious purposes and should not be used to delete incriminating evidence or to harass others. Misusing the feature can lead to negative consequences, and the feature is subject to abuse reporting by other users.

In conclusion, iMessage's Unsend feature is a handy tool that enables users to retract messages they sent in error. It can prevent embarrassing situations and give users a second chance to edit their messages. However, the feature is not perfect and should be used responsibly to avoid negative consequences.

Step-by-step guide to unsend an iMessage on iPhone

Have you ever sent a message to someone and instantly regretted it? Maybe you sent it to the wrong person, or you said something that you shouldn't have. Thankfully, if you're an iPhone user, there's a way to unsend the message before the other person sees it. Here's how:

Step 1: Open the Messages app

Locate the "Messages" app on your iPhone and open it up.

Step 2: Find the message

Locate the message that you want to unsend. You can find it by scrolling through your conversations or by searching for the recipient's name in the search bar at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Press and hold the message

Press and hold the message that you want to unsend. This will bring up a menu of options.

Step 4: Tap "More"

From the menu, tap on "More". This will bring up a list of actions that you can perform on the message.

Step 5: Select the message(s) to be unsent

Select the message that you want to unsend by tapping on the circle next to it. You can select multiple messages to unsend by tapping on multiple circles.

Step 6: Tap "Delete"

Once you have selected the message(s) to unsend, tap on the "Delete" button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 7: Confirm deletion

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected message(s). Tap "Delete Message" to confirm.

Step 8: Done!

The message(s) will be removed from the conversation, and the recipient will not receive them. If they have already seen the message, they will receive a notification that you have unsent the message.

It's important to note that this feature only works if the recipient has not yet seen the message. If the message has been read, it can no longer be unsent. Additionally, if the recipient is not using an iPhone or an iMessage account, this feature will not work.

Unsending a message can save you from some potentially awkward or embarrassing situations. With a few simple steps, you can quickly and easily unsend a message on your iPhone. So next time you send a message in haste, don't worry – you've got this!

How to Unsend an iMessage on Mac

Are you plagued with the fear of sending a message to someone that wasn't supposed to be sent? It can be frustrating, embarrassing, and even potentially damaging. Fortunately, Apple has included a feature in their Messages app that allows you to unsend messages on your Mac. In this article, we’ll be showing you how to unsend an iMessage on Mac.

The Anatomy of an iMessage

Before we dive into how to unsend an iMessage, we need to first understand how iMessages work and how they differ from traditional SMS messages.

An iMessage is a type of message that can only be sent between Apple devices and is transmitted through Apple's servers, whereas a traditional SMS message is sent between mobile devices through a carrier's cellular network. iMessages use end-to-end encryption, which means that only the sender and recipient can access the contents of the message. When an iMessage is sent, it is first encrypted and then sent to Apple's servers, where it is then encrypted again and delivered to the recipient's device.

Now that we understand what an iMessage is, let's move on to how we can unsend messages that have already been sent.

How to Unsend an iMessage

In order to unsend an iMessage on Mac, you'll need to have enabled the 'Delete after reading' option in your iMessage settings. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the Messages app on your Mac
  2. Click on Preferences from the Messages menu
  3. Select the General tab
  4. Check the box next to 'Delete after reading'

Once you've enabled this option, any iMessage that you send will be automatically deleted from the recipient's device when they've read it, regardless of how long it's been since sending it. However, there is a catch. If the recipient has a bad or no internet connection, or they haven't read the message, it cannot be automatically deleted yet.

But what if you've already sent a message and need to unsend it? Fortunately, you can still do so within a certain time frame. Here are the steps for unsending an iMessage on Mac:

  1. Open the Messages app on your Mac
  2. Find the message you want to unsend and click on it to select it
  3. Hold down the 'Option' key, then click on the 'File' menu
  4. Select 'Delete' or press 'Delete' on your keyboard

Once you've deleted the message, it will be removed from your conversation history as well as your recipient's device. If you're quick enough, you may be able to unsend the message before the recipient even has a chance to read it.


Apple's iMessage service offers a level of privacy that traditional SMS messaging doesn't. But accidents still happen, and thankfully, the ability to unsend messages is available. With the above steps, you can unsend an iMessage on your Mac within a certain time frame. As always, it's important to double-check your messages before sending them to ensure that you're saying what you intend to say.

Other Messaging Apps with Similar Unsend Features

Unsending texts or messages is a feature that is becoming increasingly demanded by many messaging app users, and it isn't limited to just one app. A few more instant messaging apps have incorporated unsend features, and they include:

1. Viber

Viber is a popular messaging app that has been around for quite some time. It offers users the possibility to send messages, make voice and video calls, and even send files. In 2018, Viber started rolling out the "Delete for Everyone" feature that allows users to delete messages they've sent to both individual chats and group chats. The feature only works if the message was sent in the last 24 hours, and it leaves messages that have been forwarded untouched.

2. Telegram

Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app that has gained popularity due to its focus on privacy and security. It offers users self-destructing messages that disappear after a set period of time, but it also has an unsend feature. With this feature, a user can delete messages they've sent to a chat, and it also deletes the message on the recipient's side. The user can unsend the message for up to 48 hours after sending it.

3. Line

Line is a messaging app that originated from Japan. It offers users a variety of features, such as stickers, games, and even a timeline. Line also has an unsend feature that allows users to delete messages they've sent previously. However, this feature only works in one-on-one chats, and it also has a time limit. The user can only unsend messages for up to 24 hours after sending them.

4. WeChat

WeChat is a messaging app that is predominantly used in China. It offers users a range of features such as messaging, voice and video calls, and even mobile payments. WeChat also has an unsend feature that works in both individual and group chats. With this feature, the user can unsend messages up to 2 minutes after sending them.

5. Snapchat

Snapchat is a messaging app that is popular among teenagers due to its self-destructing messages and the ability to send pictures and videos that disappear after they are viewed. Snapchat also has an unsend feature that is not well-known; it is called "Clear Chats." With this feature, the user can delete entire conversations in individual and group chats. However, it's important to note that this feature does not delete the messages on the recipient's side; it only clears the chat history on the user's side.

Unsending messages is a handy feature that offers users a chance to rectify mistakes, delete embarrassing or incorrect messages, or even cover up sensitive information. These apps have taken the right step with their unsend features, giving users more control over their messages and chats.

How to Turn off iMessage's Read Receipts for Extra Privacy

Apple's iMessage feature is a great way to stay connected with your friends and family. It enables you to send and receive messages, photos, videos, and even money transfers with your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. One of the most useful features of iMessage is the read receipts, which notify the sender when the recipient reads their message. However, some people value their privacy and prefer to keep their read receipts off. Here are some simple steps to turn off the iMessage read receipts for extra privacy.

What are iMessage Read Receipts?

First, let's explain what iMessage read receipts are. They are a feature that tells the sender that their message has been read by the recipient. The read receipt shows up as a small text below the message that says "Read" with the time stamp of when the message was read. This feature can be helpful when you want to make sure that the person you are messaging has seen your message, but it can also be frustrating if you want to keep your privacy.

Steps to Turn off iMessage Read Receipts on iPhone and iPad

If you own an iPhone or iPad and want to turn off iMessage read receipts, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings app on your device
  2. Scroll down and tap on "Messages"
  3. Scroll down and toggle off the switch that says "Send Read Receipts"

Once you've completed these steps, your iMessage read receipts will be turned off. However, keep in mind that this setting will apply to all of the people you message. If there are specific people you want to keep read receipts on for, you can turn the setting back on and only turn it off when you want more privacy.

Steps to Turn off iMessage Read Receipts on Mac

If you want to turn off iMessage read receipts on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Messages app on your Mac
  2. In the menu bar, click on "Messages" and then "Preferences"
  3. Click on the "Accounts" tab
  4. Select the iMessage account you want to turn off read receipts for
  5. Uncheck the box that says "Send read receipts"

Once you've completed these steps, your iMessage read receipts will be turned off on your Mac. Again, keep in mind that this setting will apply to all of the people you message. If there are specific people you want to keep read receipts on for, you can turn the setting back on and only turn it off when you want more privacy.

Why Turn off iMessage Read Receipts?

Turning off iMessage read receipts can be helpful in many situations. Here are some reasons why you might want to turn them off:

  • You don't want people to know when you've read their message
  • You want to avoid feeling pressured to reply to messages right away
  • You want to keep your privacy
  • You want to avoid arguments or misunderstandings that can arise when people see that you've read their message but haven't replied yet

However, keep in mind that turning off iMessage read receipts can also have downsides. Some people may feel like you are ignoring them or not interested in what they have to say. If you want to turn off iMessage read receipts, make sure to communicate this to the people you frequently message, so they don't get offended or upset.

The Bottom Line

iMessage read receipts can be useful, but they can also be a privacy concern for some people. Turning them off is a quick and easy way to keep your privacy when using iMessage. However, make sure to communicate with the people you message so they understand why you've turned off read receipts and don't feel upset or ignored.

Tips for avoiding the need to unsend messages in the first place

Sending a message you regret can be a frustrating experience. Whether it's a typo, an embarrassing autocorrect mishap or a message sent in the heat of the moment that you wish you could take back, there are a few things you can do to avoid the need to unsend messages in the first place. Here are some tips to help you prevent those "oops" moments from happening:

1. Check your spelling and grammar before hitting send

Before sending a message, be sure to read it over carefully and check your spelling and grammar. Typos and grammatical errors can change the meaning of a message or make you appear unprofessional, especially in a work context. Take a few extra seconds to proofread before sending, and you'll avoid those cringe-worthy moments when you realize you've made a mistake.

2. Double-check the recipient

One of the most common reasons people wish they could unsend a message is that they sent it to the wrong person. It's easy to do, especially if you're juggling multiple conversations at once. Before hitting send, take a moment to double-check that you're sending the message to the right person. It only takes a second, and it could save you a lot of embarrassment in the long run.

3. Think twice before sending an angry or emotional message

Sending an angry or emotional message can be tempting when you're feeling frustrated, but it's usually not the best idea. Messages written in the heat of the moment can often come across as aggressive or confrontational, and they can damage relationships and reputations. Take a few deep breaths and give yourself time to cool off before sending a message that you might regret later on.

4. Consider if the message is necessary

Before hitting send, ask yourself if the message is really necessary. Will it add value to the conversation? Is it something that needs to be said right now? Will it be helpful or hurtful? Taking a moment to consider the purpose of your message can help you avoid unnecessary or regrettable communication.

5. Use emojis and tone indicators to convey your message

Text-based communication can be tricky, as tone and intent can often be misinterpreted. Adding emojis or tone indicators (such as "/s" for sarcasm) can help clarify your message and prevent misunderstandings. Just be sure to use emojis in a professional context sparingly, and only when appropriate.

6. Use a messaging app with an unsend feature

Many messaging apps now have an unsend feature that allows you to recall a message within a certain amount of time after sending it. If you're prone to sending messages you regret, using an app with an unsend feature can give you a bit of added security and peace of mind.

7. Take responsibility for your mistakes

Despite your best efforts, there may still be times when you need to unsend a message. When that happens, it's important to take responsibility for your mistake and apologize if necessary. Acknowledge the error, take steps to correct it if possible, and learn from the experience so you can avoid similar mistakes in the future.

By following these tips, you can reduce the likelihood of needing to unsend messages in the first place. Remember, prevention is always better than cleanup, and a little extra care and attention can go a long way in preventing regrettable communication.

Troubleshooting Common Issues when Trying to Unsend an iMessage

Unsending an iMessage can be a life saver if you accidentally send a text message to the wrong person, send a message with errors or find yourself in a situation where you wish you hadn't sent a message. The unsend feature on iMessage can save you from a lot of trouble, but what happens when it doesn't work?

Here are some common issues users experience when trying to unsend an iMessage, and troubleshooting methods to solve them:

1. Unsend button doesn't appear on iMessage

This issue arises when the message has been sent successfully but hasn't been delivered yet. If the 'delivered' sign below the message doesn't indicate that the message has been delivered, the unsend button will not appear. In such cases, you can either wait for some time for the message to be delivered or try to turn off the internet and turn it back on again.

2. Error message when trying to unsend an iMessage

If you receive an error message while trying to unsend an iMessage, check if the message has been delivered or not. If the message hasn't been delivered, the unsending feature will not work. If the message has been delivered, you can try logging out and logging back in to your iCloud account. This refreshes the account and allows the feature to work in most cases.

3. Message sent to non-iPhone user or Apple device

If the recipient of the message is using a non-iPhone device or an Apple device without iMessage, you will not be able to unsend the message. In such cases, the message has already been delivered and is saved on their device.

4. Unsend button not working even when the message has not been delivered

If you have not delivered the message but the unsend button is not working, try checking your internet connection. Bad internet connectivity may prevent the feature from working correctly. If you are still experiencing problems, try restarting your iPhone by holding down the power button and releasing it when the slide to turn off prompt appears. Then, turn your phone back on and try unsending the message again.

5. Unsend option not available on iMessage for Mac

If you are using iMessage on Mac, the unsending feature may not be available on the version you are using. Check if you have the latest version of iMessage installed, and if not, update it. If the issue persists, contact Apple Support for further assistance.

6. Long-pressed message doesn't show 'Unsend'

If you are unable to see the 'Unsend' option even when you long-press the message, the feature may be turned off on your device. To enable this feature, go to Settings > Messages > and turn on the 'Unsend' option.

7. Message still visible even after it has been unsent

If the message is still visible on the other person's phone, even though you used the 'unsending' feature, it might be because the message had already been delivered before you unsent it. Therefore, the recipient already had a chance to read it before you unsent it.

8. Message not unsent even when using the unsending feature

If the message is still visible even after you have successfully unsent it, try restarting your iPhone. If this does not work, contact Apple Support for further assistance as the issue may require more complex troubleshooting.

In conclusion, unsending an iMessage can be a tricky process. However, with the above troubleshooting tips and tricks, you can easily unsend a message and avoid those awkward moments. Remember to remain calm and follow the steps above, and your message will be erased in no time!


Q: Can I unsend an iMessage?
A: Yes, you can unsend an iMessage even if it's already delivered.Q: Can I unsend iMessages on all my Apple devices?
A: Yes, you can unsend iMessages on any Apple device that's signed in with the same Apple ID.Q: Can I retrieve an unsent iMessage?
A: No, once you've unsent an iMessage, it's gone forever.Q: Can I unsend iMessages to anyone?
A: Yes, you can unsend iMessages to any recipient, but they'll be notified that you've unsent the message.

Thanks for Reading!

We hope that this article helped you learn how to unsend iMessages. Remember that this feature can come in handy when you accidentally send a message, or when you want to correct an error. Don't hesitate to use it! And, as always, thanks for reading. Be sure to come back soon for more tech tips and tricks.


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